The Bayview condominium dewatering project located at Bayview and Eglinton included a multi-storey condominium with an underground parking lot. Construction started with the installation of a soldier pile and lagging shoring system in 2001.

The challenge in this project was dealing with layered soil conditions while also minimizing the interference any dewatering system would have on excavation, lagging and formwork activates. These challenges would not allow for a conventional approach to be used at the site.
INSITU thought outside the box to come up with a customized solution for the client. To minimize the disruption to other trades and speed up construction, a vacuum wellpoint system was installed with wellpoints on angles that protruded behind the soldier pile and lagging wall. To further assist the client and minimize interference with the dewatering system, the system was installed just above the P3 wall formwork level allowing for construction to proceed.
- Use of angled wellpoints to solve dewatering system and construction activity interference
- Successfully lowered the water table in layered and challenging soil conditions allowing for lagging operations and excavation to proceed in dry conditions