Soilmec SR-45
One of the dewatering equipment we use is Soilmec SR-45. Soilmec rigs are self-mounting, easy to transport, and designed for fast and effortless drilling. Capable of drilling 22 meters deep, the SR-45 features four times more torque and twice the stroke as competitors. It features the DRILLING MATE SYSTEM (DMS) and 12” touch screen, which deliver complete control of the rig and operating parameters and track and monitor progress. SR-45s do not require an engineer drilling platform.

Geax DTC-80
Another Dewatering Equipment we have in-house is Geax DTC-80. Our DTC-80s are the workhorses of the Turnkey Site Solutions fleet with their ability to go anywhere – narrow spaces, slopes, close proximity to power lines. It’s a small rig that outperforms larger competitors.

Geax DTC-30
Turnkey owns the DTC-30 — the smallest drill rig in Ontario. It is specially designed to drill in tight areas and fit into spots where other drills can’t. With the ultra-low headroom kit, we can drill under 15’ of headroom. A range of equipment to meet any job requirement is what makes Turnkey Site Solutions stand out among its competitors.